
Welcome. This is the story of my journey to build a replica of a Sopwith Pup.
4/30/08 5:00

Hasn't been a great couple of weeks... have managed to get to the hangar for 3 brief visits, on each occasion I glued up a rib. Am now up to 9 of them. Had been hoping to do four per week but the reality has been more like two. However, the pile is slowly growing. Obtained a Zenith Height Gauge from eBay for $300. It's not in great condition and is broken (would pay two or three times that for a good one) but is exactly the right type for a Sopwith Pup. Having received it, I am pretty happy with my buy. The main altimeter mechanism (internal) seems to be in perfect condition and working order. What I need to fix is the external paintwork (very do-able) and one small gear part internally (will be harder, but is not a particularly complicated thing and am sure I can track one down). Talked some more to Kermit Weeks during the EAA Board meetings and he is convinced I should shoot for a 80hp Le Rhone.

Found an interesting website, a technical college in Dallas is building a Pup replica. Some useful info here. http://www.aimschool.com/?cat=5 This comment on their blog resonates: "Students are getting tired of ribs. 104 nose/false ribs, 48 main ribs, 20 trailing ribs, and 28 unique ribs!!"

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